Friday, February 17, 2012


There have been some new critters in Francis Bay lately.... and Skip and I took a swim with them! Two big beautiful manta rays swimming around feeding! They looked to be about 8 feet across from wing tip to wing tip. VERY COOL!!! 



Cindy Barnard said...

OMG! OMG! OMG! That was amazing! Absolutely amazing! A little...not so for you after the last few weeks. W.O.W. Double W.O.W. Can you tell I am excited? Yikes.

Leslie said...

So cool!! All you need now is a Jaws soundtrack.


Jaques said...

...and out ze depths of ze blue ocean, ze manta ray is as graceful as ze condor. Seemingly gliding aimlessly, but always keeping ze watchful out for ze next meal...

Miles said...

Nicely said Jaques...