It's been like winter here in June and July here as far as the trade winds are concerned, so we've been biding our time in the BVI before heading east to St Martin. The winds have been in the 20+ range and the seas too big for my taste, and besides, we're in no hurry. We've practically moved into Mountain Point in Virgin Gorda and stray only when we need food/water or decent wifi... or a dip in the killer pool at the YCCS.
Skip in the killer pool at the YCCS |
Guys take advantage of the quiet season and have a photo session with fun toys near the fuel dock in Leverick Bay |
Big lobster comes out of hiding in Mountain Point |
We started to feel a little guilty about not going anywhere, after all, isn't part of the beauty of living on a boat supposed to be that you can move around? So off we went to Savannah Bay. After a few days there we decided that part of the beauty of living on a boat is indeed that you can move around... but, that you really don't have to go anywhere if you're happy where you are.
Don't get me wrong, Savannah Bay is lovely. The beaches slope gently into the water, there's good snorkeling and baby lemon sharks to watch swimming along the shore this time of year. You can walk to Spanish Town or just walk inland from the beach far enough to see the crashing waves on the windward side. It's a local beach so there are usually kids and parents playing together which gives it a nice energy. It's just that we were used to having lots of space around us in Mountain Point, and here....
Hi neighbor! |
We were sandwiched in between different combinations of power boats from Puerto Rico at various times during the time we were here. There was one other boat in the anchorage and when these guys showed up they promptly left. We felt like the "Up House" squeezed in between big buildings. There were loads of kids on board with parents and grandparents and we gave them our usual hello waves when they arrived. They were pretty subdued when they greeted us and seemed a bit sheepish about squeezing us out, but we figured out why the next day. We left in the morning to go to Spanish Town and planned to come back and anchor here again, but instead of just the two rafted up boats there were about five rafted up plus a few more anchored around them. Fair enough... so off to Mountain Point we went once again.
Saralane gets the squeeze from sportfishers that blasted over from Puerto Rico for a long weekend |
John H's view of Saralane's spot in the bay |
We take John H ashore and give him some overdue TLC |
Lots of warnings |
Gulls stand atop the cairns in the shallow water |
Patterns in the sand from rain and surf |